Participated in TV Program Production In Cooperation with Kansai TV from Japan (Part 2)
April 28th, 2021
Participated in TV Program Production In Cooperation with Kansai TV from Japan (Part 2)
Assisting the information & broadcasting to abroad project through TV content
During the past time, Kilala had the opportunity to work with KansaiTV as the partner in the project of broadcasting short TV shows in Vietnam. KansaiTV has supported KANSAI Tourism Bureau in promoting the tourism information of its region to the foreign market. The main reason that Kilala has become the partner of Kansai TV, are that we are the media company that comprehends the features of both Japan and Vietnam, and our links are expected to bring a good promotion effect to the project. At the same time, working on this project would be a great opportunity for Kilala to gain more valuable experiences in TV production.
12 Beauties of Kansai, Japan
Concept chương trình: KansaiTV cooperated with KANSAI Tourism Bureau to introduce to Vietnamese tourists 12 tourist attractions in the Kansai region (outside of the famous Kyoto area) to promote inbound tourism by the time the COVID-19 ends.
Broadcast time: February 22nd, 2021 – March 5th, 2021 (Duration: 65 seconds/episode, total 12 episodes)
Channels: VOVTV, VTC1, VTC9
Business content: Assisting TV production, conveying the correct ideas for both Japanese and Vietnamese sides, making the interpretation/translation, assisting the stages of the project, conducting the survey, running Facebook/YouTube Ads, ...
Learn more report video here.
1. Official Facebook
- URL: https://www.facebook.com/12netdepvungkansai
- Followers: 11,975 people (Data on March 5th)
- Total views of 12 episodes: 3,456,300 views (Data on March 28th)
2. Official Youtube Channel
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDSzb4fgM4fiQ7wG6BmIOReatMWDeuLgv
- Total views of 12 episodes: 529,089 views (Data on March 18th)
3. VOVTV’s Official Website Program
- URL: http://truyenhinhdulich.vn/su-kien-dac-biet/12-net-dep-vung-kansai-nhat-ban
- The Interfaces of the Website and Fanpage: